Looking for someone catering pancakes in Tulsa ? Tulsa Brookside Lions have been serving the Tulsa area pancakes for the past 10 years, through its association with the annual BooHaHa festival in Brookside. In 2007 the club decided to make providing Pancake Breakfast services to Tulsa company/organizations the main way to fund its charitable projects. The club is available to any company or organization wanting to provide its customer/employees/guests a delicious breakfast of pancakes and sausage. We specialize in providing services to groups of 200 or more people. Our equipment is setup outside so all you provide is a place for your group to set down and eat. Since we are a volunteer charitable organization and we all have weekday job responsibilities, most of our services are available on the weekends and holidays, with a few exceptions. Please contact us if we can be of service to your business or organization.Email: mailto:pancakes@brooksidelions.org